Why fortune always favors the brave

le 03/01/2017 par Alexandra Caussard
Tags: Inspiration

Dare to be optimistic!

For the psychologist Richard Wiseman, "luck is not what happens to you but what you do with what happens to you". Philippe Gabilliet, speaker at the USI conference in 2015, insists on this point: "by saying "I'm lucky" you encourage luck". From ancient times, to be a leader you have to be brave, and, as Philippe Gabilliet specifies, you need a "mix of willpower and lucidity". When you find yourself in a situation that looks hopeless, put lucidity in charge. Courage is of course needed to face up to situations such as crises, illness or adversity. But such situations can also be triggered e.g. when you decide to innovate or restructure.

Philippe Gabilliet sur la scène de l'USI 2015

Making luck your friend is crucial!

Contrary to the Ancient Greeks, we no longer make a distinction between ordinary moments and opportune moments. And yet the latter had their very own deity: the god Kairos. It is up to us to take charge of opportune moments. This concretely translates as establishing an intention, project, wish or even dream. Above all, you must "expect the unexpected", warns this management specialist, also known for his ode to optimism.

In fact, the true lucky ones are those who have daring because, to quote Abraham Lincoln: "things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle". Pluck is daring to take action and risk disapproval, pushing one's limits despite the dangers and one's own fears.

The philosopher Alain describes audacity as "directed boldness" and warns that it can become dangerous. You have to go just far enough without going too far. For innovators, tomorrow is already too far away.

Philippe Gabilliet encourages us to "live like responsible optimists". And even though there are benefits to leaving your comfort zone, you don't have to. You do have to take the necessary risks to change what can be changed, but don't waste your energy on things you have no control over, unless you've found the secret to immortality.

More to read : Yuval Harari - How humans conquered the world

Cartoon de Gabilliet sur Christophe Colomb et l'audace

"Sorry Mr Colomb! We cannot let you go, it is way too dangerous!"

Excess of conformity, the death of innovation?

The strength of the brave is that they find levers which others have yet to become aware of. Philippe Gabilliet recommends staying away from expert advice, because it prevents you from taking action when you should. Christopher Columbus's fate illustrates this perfectly! "We court death by excess of conformity, because people are highly risk adverse" he laments. You have to know how to open new doors, without knowing what's behind them, and, in business, these doors can open onto new territories and/or relations.

"You have to accept diversions" pleads Philippe Gabilliet, for whom "the unexpected can only bring you wonderful things if you're receptive". For the unexpected to appear you need to be on a quest." Jean Monnet declared: "it is not the impossible that might despair us tomorrow, but rather the idea of the possibilities we did not dare reach for".

And the more you dare work on things that risk being temporary and ill adapted, the more you make the system progress. "

[All eras and all generations need their share of madmen, even the wisest need some madness"](https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?url=http%3A%2F%2Fblog.usievents.com%2Fphilippe-gabilliet-osez-laudace%2F&text=All+eras+and+all+generations+need+their+share+of+madmen%2C+even+the+wisest+need+some+madness%22+-+Philippe Gabillet &via=USIEvents)

Since the best way to reach a goal is to help those you rely on to reach their own goals, Philippe Gabilliet challenges us all to "become an opportunity for others".

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